
We invite presenters who has interest and research about periodontology and problem solving on periodontal-related problems, as well as basic and clinical dentistry. We encourage all the researchers, students, and clinicians to join our symposia.


To all presenters, the announcement regarding the presentation will be announced through this website or our social media. The submitted text review process is currently ongoing. Please kindly contact drg. Disty (+62 812-9942-846) if you have any questions or inquiries about the presentation.



Bioscience and biomaterial related to dentistry and medical sciences such as oral biology, ageing, cell and molecular biosciences, cellular dentistry, genetic, genomics, health and society, immunology, microbiology, neuroscience, cancer, biomaterial, and forensic.


The selected papers will be submitted in:

  1. Possible indexing proceeding
  2. Archieve of Orofacial Sciences
  3. Malaysian journal of medical science
  4. National Journal Indexed by SINTA


Abstract should not exceed 250 words (excluding abstract title, authors, and affiliations)  and should comprise a condensed over view of the study. File format is pdf/doc/rtf.

Title – The title should reflect and concisely describe your research project. The title should not exceed 15 words.

Authors – Include authors name, degree and institutional affiliation

Email: email for corresponding

Background – Why is the topic you have selected a problem that needs to be addressed? What is missing from the field of study that your study is going to address? Provide a one-sentence summary of the rationale for the study question.

Objective(s) – What does this study intend to resolve? Provide a one-sentence description (e.g., “To determine…,” “To establish…”) of the study’s primary objective. Authors may choose to include key secondary objectives.

Research Methods – A short paragraph discussing the design, setting, patients, and interventions

Results – A brief summary of the main results along with declarations and explanations of any important findings. Authors should include the study’s relevant statistical information (e.g. confidence intervals, levels of statistical significance).

Conclusion – How does this study add to the body of knowledge on the topic? Provide a brief summary of the study’s conclusions directly supported by the reported evidence. Authors may include clinical applications and any recommendations for additional study

Keywords – 3-5 phrases, separated by semicolon (;)



If you are going to present your paper in this symposium, please make sure that you have done these following instructions:

  1. Write your abstract in the provided format
  2. Please click



  • The paper should be original and not published elsewhere. Please make sure that your similarity index is under 20%
  • Full-text should be witten in English, Times New Romans font 12, double space, in A4 paper size. File format is pdf/doc/rtf.
  • The title should reflect and concisely describe your research project (not exceed 15 words)
  • Abstract : see the Abstract format
  • The components of full-text are background, objective(s), research methods, results, conclusin, acknowledgement (if needed)
  • References should be written in Vancouver style and we suggest you to use reference manager.



If you are going to present your paper in this symposium, please make sure that you have done these following instructions:

  1. Write your full-text in the provided format
  1. Please click

If you still require further assistance, you can read our tutorials or contact us.


  • Coordinator: Rezmelia Sari, DDS., MSc., M.Clin.Dent(Perio)
  • Contact person: Aulida Arum M, DDS.
  • Email:



Clinical dentistry related to periodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and prosthodontics.


The selected papers will be submitted in:

  1. Possible indexing proceeding
  2. Archieve of Orofacial Sciences
  3. Malaysian journal of medical science
  4. National Journal Indexed by SINTA


Abstract should be no more than 250 words (excluding abstract title, authors, and affiliations).

Title – The title is a summary of the abstract itself and should convince the reader that the topic is important, relevant, and innovative. Title should be no more than 15 words.

Authors – Include name, degree and institutional affiliation. The authors included should be those who contribute significantly to the intellectual content of the case report.

Email – active email for corresponding

Background – Describe the context of the case and explain its relevance and importance o Describe whether the case is unique. If not, does the case have an unusual diagnosis, prognosis, therapy or harm? Is the case an unusual presentation of a common condition? Or an unusual complication of a disease or management? Describe the instructive or teaching points that add value to this case. Does it demonstrate a cost-effective approach to management or alternative diagnostic/treatment strategy? Does it increase awareness of a rare condition?

Objective(s) – What does this case report intend to resolve? Provide a one-sentence description (e.g., “To determine…,” “To establish…”) of the  primary objective. Authors may choose to include key secondary objectives.

Methods and Treatment Results

– Follow the basic rules of communication. Report the case in sequence. Describe the history, examination and investigations adequately. Is the cause of the patient’s illness clear-cut? What are other plausible explanations? Describe the treatments adequately. Have all available therapeutic options been considered? Are outcomes related to treatments? Include the patient’s progress and outcome.

– Discuss rationale for decisions that were made and the lesson from the case. Report a literature review of other similar cases. Describe how this case is different from those previously reported. Explain the rationale for reporting the case. What is unusual about the case? Does it challenge prevailing wisdom? In the future, could things be done differently in a similar case?

Conclusion  –How does this study add to the body of knowledge on the topic? Provide a brief summary of the study’s conclusions directly supported by the reported evidence. Authors may include clinical applications and any recommendations for additional study

Keywords : 3-5 phrases, separated by semicolon (;)


If you are going to present your paper in this symposium, please make sure that you have done these following instructions:

  1. Write your abstract in the provided format
  2. Please click



  • The paper should be original and not published elsewhere.
  • Please make sure that you have informed consent from your patients. Patient anonymity is also an important requirement. Be carefull with pictures and ensure that pictures of affected area do not reveal the identity of the patient.
  • Full-text should be witten in English, Times New Romans font 12, double space, in A4 paper size. File format is pdf/doc/rtf.
  • The title should reflect and concisely describe your case report (not exceed 15 words)
  • Abstract : see the Abstract format
  • The components of case report full-text are background, objective(s), methods and treatment results, conclusion, acknowledgement (if needed)
  • References should be written in Vancouver style and we suggest you to use reference manager.


If you are going to present your paper in this symposium, please make sure that you have done these following instructions:

  1. Write your full-text in the provided format
  2. Please click

If you still require further assistance, you can read our tutorials or contact us.


  • Coordinator: Rezmelia Sari, DDS., MSc., M.Clin.Dent(Perio)
  • Contact person: Aulida Arum M, DDS.
  • Email:

Prior to submitting the full paper, the author should provide proofreading statement by authorized proofreader.